Monday, December 20, 2010

A Trail of Bread Crumbs.

It amazes me how Earl's personality traits grow. For the first year and a bit that we had Earl, he was not much of a leaner. He would stand in front of you to get petted, and when you stopped petting he would switch so you could pet the other side. Now however, Earl seems to have skipped right past the whole leaning thing and gone right to hip-checking. Now when Earl wants to get petted, he walks up to you, then does a 180 turn and throws a pretty good hip check... just to get some attention.

Another quirk Earl has is taking his kibble from his dish in the kitchen, and one kibble at a time... bringing it into the living room. The coming back for another. And then another trip back. Who knows... maybe he is worried about getting lost? (Sometimes, the single kibble doesnt make it all the way to the living room, Earl eats it, and has to return to the kitchen yet again.)

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